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      Fundamentals still have bullish factors, plastic short term or rebound

      Fundamentals still have bullish factors, plastic short term or rebound

      Before the National Day Plastic fell sharply, in addition to the early rise too fast need to adjust the reasons, the impact of the overall commodity crash is also one of the main factors. Postganglionic plastic temporarily shocks, but the fundamentals are still favorable factors, short-term rebound may be larger.[More]

      7 parameters that must be known about the thermal properties of engineering plastics

      7 parameters that must be known about the thermal properties of engineering plastics

      The continuous working temperature indicates the heat resistance of plastic molding products. Generally divided into physical heat resistance and chemical resistance, the former refers to the provisions of the shape of the plastic molding style when the heating temperature is specified, the performance to maintain the shape of the product; the latter is that the thermal stability of plastic molding materials in molecular bond.[More]

      Plastic gas pipes have only two or three years of service life, you know?

      Plastic gas pipes have only two or three years of service life, you know?

      Traditional old residential gas pipeline is more common plastic hose, life is probably in 2-3 years, not only easy aging damage, but also easy to be gnawed by mice, resulting in gas leakage and other safety incidents.[More]

      Zhejiang Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau sampling 23 batches of disposable plastic straw all qualified

      Zhejiang Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau sampling 23 batches of disposable plastic straw all qualified

      Recently, according to the "on the 2017 annual mine safety related products" hundred days crucial special inspection notice "(Zhejiang Quality Supervision [2017] No. 34) requirements, the Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of quality supervision sampling a total of 23 batches of disposable plastic Straw, involving 23 production enterprises in Zhejiang Province, and 100% batches of qualified rate.[More]

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