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      Plastic gas pipes have only two or three years of service life, you know?

      Url: http://www.www.zhsfujk.cn/en/News/neirong51.htm

      Huaxi Dushi Bao - cover news (trainee reporter Luo Tianyi) in the residential gas plastic pipe is safe, usually need to pay attention to what safety gas common sense? In June 16th, in Qingyang district gas safety large publicity activities, gas safety as the theme of the publicity activities caused more than 900 people at the scene of concern. At the scene, Gas Co staff for free maintenance of gas stoves for more than 20 units, for free allowances for more than 500 families of free radicals.

      Chengdu gas supply branch company Qingyang Service Center Director Liu Runhua told the WCC reporter - cover, gas pipeline of traditional residential use is ordinary plastic hose, life in about 2-3 years, not only easy to aging damage, but also easy to be gnawing mice broken, resulting in gas leakage accidents. The special tube gas can ensure that at least 8 years of life and the new PVC high strength polyester fiber reinforced, and put an end to the rats through the gas pipe problem.

      "Many residents lack the knowledge of gas safety." Liu Runhua said that through today's gas safety publicity activities, popularize the common knowledge of safe gas use, enhance the user's safety gas awareness, thereby improving the residents' self inspection and prevention capabilities. At the scene, more than 500 people to Gas Co staff were related consultation and appointment, after the event, the staff went to the appointment of residents at home for security investigation.

      It is reported that in late June, the Qingyang District Branch Bureau, Qingyang District Safety Supervision Bureau will invite gas safety experts, composed of 4 inspection teams of the pipeline gas enterprise and territorial Street conduct dragnet inspection, if completed as planned in 2017 100 the old courtyard gas pipeline renovation work. Accelerate the promotion of large commercial complex gas safety management, vigorously combat the third party damage gas pipeline governance.

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